Cert VN tutor & student liaison supportThe cornerstone of the Certificate is the tutor and centre support you receive as you progress through the course.

Distance learning offers flexibility to study whenever and wherever you want.  With a mixture of self-directed study and tutor support, the Cert VN ECC boosts your learning and maintains motivation as you progress through the course.
Tutor and centre support is an integral part of the Certificate. The tutor guidance and feedback you will receive on your submitted coursework is key to your progression through the course and success in the final assessments.
Likewise, we understand that life is not always simple, so our Centre staff are here to support you.  Sometimes you may need an extension, a break or just have a query.  We build flexibility into the course, so you always have options and the Centre team are always there to help when you need it.

Tutor Support

Each student is allocated a tutor to mark their assignments and provide feedback and guidance throughout the course. Your tutor will grade your submissions, including comments, pointers and questions throughout the body of the assignment. Your tutor’s intention is to assess your knowledge and understanding of all topics throughout the Certificate, to ensure you are fully prepared to successfully sit the final assessments.

Grades range from pass+, pass, resubmission or unsuccessful. Students are required to complete and submit all unit outcome assignments (and resubmissions) for marking, and to a satisfactory level, in order to be eligible to sit the final assessment. Final award of the Certificate is dependent on successful completion of the final assessment papers. Therefore, adequate completion of the coursework component is vital; and tutor support is key to ensuring success.

In addition to marking your assignments, your tutor will support you with any queries on the course content, assignments or exam revision.

To fully support your progression on the course, your tutor may identify that a learning needs assessment is required. The Centre can assist in completion of this assessment and ensure that any additional support is put in place for you. Assessments would be self-funded; however, the Centre may be able to contribute towards this cost.

Centre support

Our friendly and approachable Centre team are here to help and advise you throughout the course. We are also here to ensure that educational procedures and the requirements of accreditation are met.

The student liaison team look after the operational delivery of the course, so will make sure all the units and resources are available and support your progress throughout the course.

You should contact the student liaison team if you require a coursework extension, have any questions about the course, or any problems or feedback.

Meet the team  

Senior examiner, Verifier & Clinical Development Manager Laura Kidd BVMS MRCVS FHEA PGCert TQFE

Senior examiner, Verifier & Clinical Development Manager

Laura is clinical development manager for the Cert VN ECC having started as a tutor for the course in 2011. Laura has been instrumental in the development of our successful webinar support programme. She is also responsible for updating and developing our course materials and training resources; tutor support and moderation; exam writing, marking and invigilation. Laura has worked in small animal practice for many years, as well as teaching on the VN programme at SRUC, previously Edinburgh (Telford) College.


Head of Centre & Course Operations Manager: Clare Maddy

Head of Centre & Course Operations Manager: Clare Maddy

Clare has worked with Vets Now since 2007, joining the Training team in 2008. Involved in the development and delivery of the Cert VN ECC since its inception in 2009, as student liaison officer and now in her current role as course operations manager, Clare has responsibility for operational delivery of the course, including, student and tutor support, the Centre team, City & Guilds centre accreditation and exam coordination and delivery. Contact Clare via email or phone 01383 628721.


Linda Grant Course Operations Team

Linda Grant Course Operations Team Carol O’NeillCourse Operations Team Carol O'Neill

Linda and Carol are the course operations team and your main port of call for any queries or questions on the Cert VN ECC. Linda manages student engagement, including extensions and deferments, as well as tutor support. Carol focuses on financial and general queries, webinar coordination and scheduling and City & Guilds registrations. They also monitor student progress and submissions, so you may hear from them from time to time. Get in touch at [email protected] or call on 01383 627624.

Tutor, examiner and clinical development support

Kath Howie RVN VTS(ECC)

A tutor on the course since its inception in 2009, Kath has increased her role over the years to include review of course materials and delivery of the Certificate webinar programme. She is also heavily involved as an examiner, with assessment writing and review, as well as marking and invigilation. Kath qualified in 2000, working in a variety of environments including first opinion and referral before moving into ECC. Now in her current role as Principal nurse manager at Vets Now Farnham, Kath gained her VTS (ECC) in 2009 before re-certifying in 2014.


Verifier, tutor, examiner and clinical development support

Sandra Fletcher BSC (Hons) PGCE DipAVN (Surgical) RVN CertVNECC C-SQP

Tutor, examiner and clinical development support
An alumni of the Cert VN ECC, Sandra has progressed from student, to tutor, to verifier and clinical development support for the Certificate. A hugely experienced RVN, mentor, coach and assessor, Sandra has many years’ experience in different facets of the Veterinary Nursing world. Sandra supports the Cert VN ECC with student verification and engagement, content creation and review as well as exam writing, review and marking.



Get in touch at [email protected]
or call us on 01383 627624


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