Great Western Exotics unveils state-of-the-art ward for reptiles and amphibians
Reptiles and amphibians are to benefit from a state-of-the-art ward that has opened at Great Western Exotics in Swindon.
It consists of several “Herptek” vivariums and has been designed to provide cold-blooded animals such as snakes and lizards with the very best of care.
The vivariums – large custom-made tanks with in-built heaters – range in size from two to five feet, meaning Great Western Exotics (GWE) vets are now able to hospitalise a wider variety of species and sizes.
The new ward has also been fitted with heavy-duty “tortoise tables” which allow non-infectious turtles, including aquatic species, to be housed in well-ventilated enclosures with large floor areas.
Tariq Abou-Zahr in GWE's new reptiles and amphibians ward
Tariq Abou-Zahr, one of the exotic residents in GWE with a keen interest in reptiles, said the new ward complements the hospital’s existing predator ward, predominantly used for ferrets and birds of prey, small mammal ward and avian ward.
He added: “While cold-blooded reptiles and amphibians like it hot, small mammals are warm-blooded and so can quickly suffer from heat stress.
“The addition of the vivariums means we are now in a position to hospitalise reptiles and amphibians entirely separately, which is in the best interests of all our patients.
“The vivariums will also allow us to offer a more comprehensive range of treatments to owners with exotic pets.”
It is a tier three RCVS accredited veterinary hospital offering a 24/7 avian and exotic animal referral service. It also provides routine first-opinion consultations for exotic pet owners seven days a week.
Hospital manager Stephen Fenna said: “The new reptile and amphibian-specific ward is a wonderful addition to the hospital and one of the only wards of its kind in private veterinary practice in Britain.
“It means the hospital can continue to provide a truly 24/7 first opinion and referral service staffed exclusively by exotic animal veterinarians and exotics qualified nurses.”
The new ward has also been fitted with heavy-duty “tortoise tablesâ€Â
“We are now in a position to hospitalise reptiles and amphibians entirely separately, which is in the best interests of all our patients."
Tariq Abou-Zahr Great Western Exotics
GWE is led by European specialist and diploma holder Dr Tom Dutton.
Vets Now promoted Tom, who is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh, earlier this year after the retirement of GWE’s long-serving head Dr Neil Forbes.
The Vets Now hospital in Swindon is also home to an established dermatology service and also offers local veterinary practices access to a 24/7 emergency and critical care service.