Our fireworks hub brings you the latest hints and tips to keep your pet safe and calm during fireworks.


We humans associate fireworks with celebration. But for many of our pets, events like Bonfire Night, New Year’s Eve and Diwali are some of the most terrifying and miserable times of the year, sometimes with tragic consequences.

That’s why we’re calling on all major retailers to stop selling fireworks in their stores.

Read our full open letter to British retailers and click the button below to sign our petition.


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Keeping your pet safe during fireworks

It's time for retailers to stop selling fireworks

At Vets Now we see first hand the impact fireworks can have on animals. We want retailers to stop selling fireworks in their stores to end the needless misery caused by unpredictable private displays.

According to our poll of more than 3400 people, 83% of pet owners support banning the sale of fireworks for private use.

If you agree, please sign our petition now – https://chng.it/RWHhk8cJk4

What owners say about fireworks:

Archie Jackson

"I'm not a killjoy and I totally agree that people should be able to celebrate special times of the year like Diwali, Bonfire Night and New Year's Eve by having a fireworks display", says Archie's owner Anne. "No-one's talking about banning fireworks, just about there being a bit more balanced and some proper protection for pets."

Image of two small dogs and owner for Vets Now fireworks and pets advice hub

Louie and Charlie McGinn

“I love fireworks but I can't enjoy them when my dog is so miserable", says Louie and Charlie's owner, Carolyn. "One of my dogs sleeps through fireworks but the other is petrified and won't go outside for days. Quieter fireworks are loud enough for people to enjoy but won't terrify as many animals, isn't that a win-win for everyone?"

Taffy Lomas

"We always dread bonfire night because Taffy is so scared. The past few years have been an absolute nightmare," says Taffy's owner, Robert. "It starts weeks before November 5 and goes on well afterwards. There must be so many pet owners like myself who hate this time of the year. It really is time there was change"